SU Student Pay Plan

S-H-A-R-I-N-G University can help you make a difference in this world because everyone has a purpose. What would this world look like if everyone knew their purpose and was living a meaningful, fulfilled life? I guarantee that it would look a lot different than it does today.

Our goal at S-H-A-R-I-N-G University is to help people make this world a better place and that is what the social entrepreneur classes do.  The social entrepreneur classes help people be successful but before that can happen they have to address the blockages that keep them from reaching their potential and finally deal with the difficult issues in their lives.  That is where S-H-A-R-I-N-G University comes in.  When we teach the students how to become social entrepreneurs, we also teach how to overcome the things that are blocking and stopping progression at the same time. Applying the lessons learned is a battle not only of the mind and body but of the soul and spirit well as.

At the University we have Social Entrepreneur Levels and 10 Internship Levels.  Each Social Entrepreneur Level corresponds to an Internship Level and each have their own purpose.

Learning is a process; learning requires building upon past information precept upon precept, line upon line, and that is how we teach.  We have doctors and coaches teaching classes in our University.  Each has their own expertise.  

When a student learns the lessons in the Level 1 class training, they have a corresponding Internship Level to apply the knowledge of that level.  The Internships give the student the experience on how to apply what was just learned in the class training and then be able to apply that knowledge and wisdom in the real world. This is when the students learned skillsets are practiced, refined and mastered.

By the time students learn the different skillsets and succeed with the internships then they will know what they want to do to fulfill their purpose whether it is in business, social entrepreneurship, ministry, or whatever they are called to do.  Everyone is different and everyone has a purpose so everyone will go on their own unique path in life.  The experience of going through this whole process will show how the world operates and help them understand what their mission in life is.

Earn While You Learn

Finally there is a University to teach folks how to overcome their obstacles to be successful – this is an amazing concept and will change universities all over the world.  Not only will students learn how to be successful in our University, they will earn as they learn!  The class fees are 100% paid out to the students for each subject matter.  How would you like to be paid for going to school?

University Schedule Class
Class Fees 100% Paid Out Number Of Students Total Potential Earnings
Level 1
Social Entrepreneur Preparation $5 5 $25
Level 2
Social Entrepreneur Funding $10 25 $250
Level 3
Social Entrepreneur Structure $20 125 $2,500
Level 4
Social Entrepreneur Branding $40 625 $25,000
Level 5
Social Entrepreneur Skillsets $80 3125 $250,000
Level 6
Social Entrepreneur Target $160 15625 $1,250,000
Level 7
Social Entrepreneur Marketing $320 78125 $12,500,000
Total Commission
One-time Payout
Level 8
Social Entrepreneur Product $640 390,625 $125,000,000
Level 9
Social Entrepreneur Purpose $1,280 1,953,125 $1,250,000,000
Level 10
Social Entrepreneur Retirement $2,560 9,765,625 $12,500,000,000
Total Commission
One-time Payout

Students will learn how to be successful in whatever field they want to go.  We are helping each individual learn how to overcome barriers, how to change their mindset and think positively, how to learn at a different level to actually become successful, and how to earn as they learn.  This concept is life changing because we are taking education to a whole different level.

Anyone can take our University classes.  We are not limiting it to age so can you imagine teenagers teaching their elders how to be successful?  Can you see our children being able to start out in life with a successful mindset and without debilitating barriers?  Children don’t have the baggage that adults have.  They are pure and can learn and absorb things much faster than adults and most importantly, they believe.  Children dream and believe they can do anything until they are taught otherwise by our society that functions to the contrary.    

At S-H-A-R-I-N-G University we believe anything is possible with God and we work that out in real life.  With God we can change our thinking process and learn His principles that create success.  It is God’s heart to help the poor and sick and when we do that, His blessings follow.  Once we equip our students with the knowledge of how to be successful by using the principle of giving and receiving, we send them out to do battle in the real world to put into practice the skillsets through our internship programs where they will make money by helping others.

When you think about what is transpiring, it is truly totally amazing.  When someone graduates from S-H-A-R-I-N-G University, they will be able to teach an organization or church of thousands of people how to run a fundraiser the proper way and help them fund their projects.  The graduate is making money on a whole different level than they ever thought possible and at the same time they are helping churches, organizations, businesses, families, and individuals make an incredible income as well.  

The more people make, the more they will tithe and give to their organizations as well.  It is a never ending beautiful cycle.

There are different levels of learning and different levels of earning.  While students take the social entrepreneur trainings at S-H-A-R-I-N-G University they are earning from one-time sales.  When they work their internship they will be earning residual income and ultimately they will be able to fulfill their purpose in this world as they start out on their own journey by starting their own ministry, business, and/or inventing their own product where they can earn millions or even billions of dollars when they’ve mastered their skillsets.

When a person is hurting emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, or in any way, that person is typically split in their direction and function. While one part needs to function and provide for theirself and/or their family, the other part needs to take care of those emotional hurts and needs.   All parts need to come together in a healthy way for a person to be whole. Wholeness of mind, body, soul, and spirit is important if you want to accomplish what is in your heart to do.

Without knowledge most people who try to become successful fail over and over and become weary of failing.  A lot of so-called successful people who have worked hard, made a lot of money, have eventually lost their jobs, homes, families, retirement accounts, etc.

We have to get healed in every area of our lives before we can believe that we can be successful. Why do you think only a small percentage of people are wealthy? Are they the only ones that believe that they can succeed? Most of the wealth today is in the hands of 1% of the population. We want to change that to a much higher percentage. What we are looking for are like-minded people who will make the choice to be all they can be for the greater good of people.

To schedule Dr. Theodis Gamet to speak at your next event you can email him at or contact him on his cellphone at 206-354-1523.


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