Monthly Archives: May 2015

S-H-A-R-I-N-G University Monthly Article #5

It is very important to get your finances in order and take control of your money. The result of not doing so is that you end up being controlled by your money. The fact is, when you take control of your money somehow you are able to find money within your existing finances that will help you towards your financial goals.

Around 90% of the US population do not plan or operate their personal finances with any type of budget. Experts agree that without having a financial plan achieving your financial goals is nearly impossible.

Today people are busy and have very little free time and managing money seems difficult at best. To add insult to injury, children are not taught about finances in school and most are not informed within the home structure. Is it any wonder that most people are without a financial plan? Managing money requires attention to detail and most people simply lack the knowledge and willpower to get their spending under control.

Wealth Generators, SHARING’s Stock Program, is a wonderful program that helps you get your finances in order. Their online system allows you to get on top of your finances easily and automatically and invest with the greatest of ease.

HELP! I Need Help!

Yes you do! Most people need help with their finances. Would you enjoy having everything in order in your life? Well, getting your finances in order is a BIG first step.

Wealth Generators is all about helping your money work for you. You are probably used to working for your money but the rich and wealthy get their money working for them. Therefore, new skills are needed to transition from being poor to being prosperous.

Everyone would like to get their money to work for them but where do you go to find the answers with people that you can trust? A lot of people make money in the stock market but everyone knows the stock market can be risky and learning to invest takes a lot of time, knowledge, and nerves to even attempt to start an investment program.

Wealth Generators to the Rescue

Wealth Generators has a “find,” “grow,” and “keep” philosophy that helps find you money that you didn’t know you had then they teach you how to turn that money into a means of investing.

  • FIND money you don’t know you have.
  • GROW your money to meet your life’s goals and dreams.
  • KEEP as much of your money as possible.

Wealth Generators has created a proven system for success that does not require you to spend your days learning about the market and having to keep an eye on it throughout day. New investors to trading experts can grow their money by implementing their simple, affordable system.

The Stock Market

Most people know about the stock market and have somewhat of an understanding of what it is and that it is generally a good investment. But surrounding the stock market is a lot of confusion as well because a lot of people have lost a lot of money over the generations. So there is hesitation for most people to speculate in the markets.

The stock market is one of the most vital components of a free-market economy as it provides companies with access to capital in exchange for giving investors a slice of ownership in the company. Shares of publicly held companies are issued and traded either through exchanges or over-the-counter markets. The stock market, also known as the equity market, makes it possible to grow small initial sums of money into large ones and to become wealthy without taking the risk of starting a business or making the sacrifices that often accompany a high paying career.

The stock market can be split into two main sections: the primary market and the secondary market. The primary market is where new issues are first sold through initial public offerings where one investor buys shares from another investor at the prevailing market price or at whatever price both the buyer and seller agree upon. Institutional investors typically purchase most of these shares from investment banks. All subsequent trading goes on in the secondary market or stock exchanges where participants include both institutional and individual investors and are regulated by the regulatory authority.

Stocks are traded through exchanges. The two biggest stock exchanges in the United States are the New York Stock Exchange, founded in 1792, and the NASDAQ, founded in 1971. Today most stock market trades are executed electronically.

Since the end of World War II the average large stock has returned close to 10% per year – well ahead of inflation, the return of bonds, real estate, and other savings vehicles. As a result, stocks have been understood to be the best way to save money for long-term goals. The trick to investing in the stock market is to make money, right?

The Key to Success

The key to success for passive investors is to have access to Wealth Generator’s market experts. All you have to do is follow their stock alerts, be consistent, and watch your money grow.

Part of Wealth Generator’s program is an educational system which includes:

  • 10 Interactive Money Management lessons with videos and workbooks
  • 24 training videos
  • A monthly money management tip newsletter
  • A monthly live webinar with WG’s money management expert

The WG Money education will help you make good financial decisions and avoid falling into bad financial habits. You will appreciate being able to follow their money management expert as he guides you to success with your personal finances

The Right Tools

The right tools are needed to build a house, fix a car, or mow the lawn. The right tools are also needed to get on top of your finances. Wealth Generators has an online system, WG Money, that allows you to do so easily and automatically. Some of the features include:

An Account Aggregation Tool: At the heart of WG Money is an account aggregation tool that allows you to see all of your account activity and transactions. You will be able to see all of your money as it comes in and exactly how it goes out. The system will automatically place your transactions in the correct budget categories so you can get a handle on your spending habits. How long has it been since you thoroughly checked your bank account to make sure everything is up-to-date? Getting a full current financial picture is a must in you getting control of your financial life.

Budgeting: How would you finally like to get and stay on a budget? Setting up and following a budget is vital to your financial fitness. With WG Money you can track your expenditures throughout the month automatically online. The system will give you an alert when you are nearing a category’s allotted amount so you will always know where you stand. The account aggregation tool is protected with bank level security.

Debt Elimination: Debt elimination is easier than you might think but it is essential to becoming financially fit. WG will help you set up a plan that will knock off your debts one by one. You can become debt free using a logical, doable strategy that works every time.

Net Worth: Would you like to be able to know your net worth? With WG Money, knowing where you stand financially is as easy as clicking a button.

Top Earners

Do you want to be “well-to-do” but are not doing so well? If you want to be well-to-do like the well-to-doers, you have to do what the well-to-doers are doing! What are the top income earners doing that the rest are not doing? 5% of people in the US are top income earners, and the rest? Well, they are not doing so well. The top 5% put their money to work for them as well as have others work for them. That is the way they grow their income. No one can do everything by themselves in a lifetime that is necessary to amass wealth.

Putting Your Money to Work

Wealth Generators has developed an easy, proven strategy to help you grow your income by putting your money to work in the financial markets. Wealth Generators also help people face and overcome barriers that tend to keep them from enjoying wealth generation in the stock markets such as:

  • Education
  • Time
  • Lack of resources
  • Emotions
  • How to put others to work for you

Wealth Generators is all about helping people generate wealth over time. No hype, no smoke and mirrors. Following their experts and building your own business will help you do what the well-to-do… well… do! And you don’t need to do it alone. Wealth Generators are with you every step of the way! Go ahead and get started with the person who referred you. If Dr. Theodis Gamet is your referrer sign up with him at

For Questions Call Or Text Dr. Theodis Gamet @ 206-354-1523.

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Posted by on May 1, 2015 in S-H-A-R-I-N-G