SU Internship Programs

The SU Internship Programs is mainly for individuals and organizations that are participating in humanitarian projects in the U.S. and/or abroad. We will help our SU Internships reach their income goals so that they can afford to fund their projects. The SU Internships will receive our help until they reach their funding goals.

SU Internships are individuals and organizations working together with us for a common good helping the poor and sick in tangible ways. Working with people who do not have the same goals and mission would take away from our focus, so that is why we will only entrust our time and resources to likeminded people with worthy goals of making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

If an individual or organization needs money to fund their projects, they will consult us to provide training, marketing and/or a host of other services depending upon their needs. We will then develop a Strategic Business Plan for them which will map out the guidance and training they will need to execute that strategic plan. We have the tools, resources, programs, and capability to help any person or organization with our experience, expertise, circle of influence, resources, and network and will continue providing our services until they reach their fundraising goals.

SU Internships will help people around the world become self-sustaining so that they can find their purpose in life and make a difference in this world. It becomes a beautiful circle, we will be making a difference and helping others make a difference as well.

Wealth Internships

Our wealth internships are ones that you can put money into and receive a return. You have your money working for you instead of you working for your money. Wealth internships are how the wealthy stay wealthy and become wealthier because they know all about wealth internships and how to make them work so that they will prosper.

The wealth internships that work the best are the ones that produce greater returns. Banks charge for you the privilege of you allowing them to handle your money. Then the banks turn around and put your money into our wealth internships and receive tremendous returns leveraging your money. You might receive 2% to 4% on your money where they may receive up 50% to 100% or more using your money.

When you take back responsibility for your own life and are making a residual income you are actually helping the earth. When you find and fulfill your God-given purpose in life you will be doing what God our Creator intended you to do for the good of man and the good of the earth. Let us be thankful and also do our part to make this a better place for our children and help heal this wonderful place that was entrusted to us.

Health Internships

We have researched thousands of health internships and have chosen the top proven ones in their field to help our students better their health as well as earn money with our S-H-A-R-I-N-G University’s amazing health internships. All health internships work synergistically together and are designed to address specific issues for the body and they have answers to what people are wanting, needing, and searching for.

All of our health internships are approved and address specific issues for humanity. Each health internship provides answers for pressing health issues and economical needs with the latest cutting edge technology secrets. Our health internships are free to $300 to join and are easy to talk about and especially good for people wanting and needing a residual income.

Our amazing natural health internships can actually help eliminate fat, dis-ease, and toxins out of your body and out of your house. They have been proven to help the body get stronger thus helping with cancer, diabetes, cardio vascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, auto immune diseases, and more. Sharing University has provided a way for people to get the money they need for these amazing products. Change your health, change your life!

Changing The World For Good

What we are doing is something very special and amazing. We are the first to bring social business and social entrepreneurship to the forefront of the Social Entrepreneur World. This is how social entrepreneurship is conducted today, and we will personally work with our SU Internships showing them how to conduct their social business in todays ever changing world.

Working with our S-H-A-R-I-N-G University for the good of people we can create an unstoppable force for good through our Internship Program. Each Internship has the potential to help millions and millions of people financially and meet their needs in countless ways. Can you imagine being a significant part of a movement that will literally change the course of people’s lives? Together we can create miracles!

For Questions Call or Text Dr. Theodis Gamet @ 206-354-1523


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